28 May 2021
Distretto Biomedicale magazine has interviewed SIDAM, partner of imPURE Project. Sidam is a company that has always developed and extended over time the skills to 360 degrees to develop and market medical devices. It operates in the fields of radiology, intensive care, surgical endoscopy and other medical areas.
The interview is in Italian, but you can read the English version below:
As already explained, distrettobiomedicale.it, the portal dedicated to the Biomedical District Mirandolese, is one of the six Italian companies that participate in the impure European research project, which received a contribution of about 5.8 million Euros from the European Commission. It is one of the 23 projects selected and funded under the EU Horizon 2020 programme to address the problems that have arisen with the spread of the pandemic from Covid-19 in relation to the difficulty in supplying medical devices. The project aims to develop a new and extremely flexible production concept using additive manufacturing technology and the most innovative digital solutions including new generation sensors and artificial intelligence. In total, Impure will involve 19 partners from 8 different European countries, coordinated by the Technical University of Athens. There are 6 Italian companies participating in the project, in addition to biomedical.it district are present Sidam Mirandola, Iungo Modena, Warrant Hub Correggio (RE), Stil Gomma Bergamo and Producta Macerata. Continues the story of the 5 realities made in Italy, it’s up to Piero Camurati, Chief Marketing Officer of Sidam Srl.
What does the company do?
Sidam was born 30 years ago with a very precise idea: to produce innovative medical devices able to solve concrete problems encountered working side by side with doctors recognized as reference experts in their field. We operate in particular in the area of radiology, intensive care, surgical endoscopy, oncology and many other areas where there is an opportunity to put into play the wealth of experience gained.
For this reason, the company has always invested in research and development, an essential driver for innovation.
In the impure project what role do you have and what will be your activity?
The impure project immediately fascinated us for its unique and challenging characteristics, with an important goal: to be found more prepared to face new pandemic events.
The subject of the pandemic has found us particularly involved because of the need to remain operational and able to respond to requests far higher in this particularly difficult period, you want also having products like our Nutrivent used just in intensive care in assisted ventilation situations.
Our role, in the project, is to work mainly on the definition of the products that will have to be realized and the regulatory and qualitative requirements of the same, given that the focus is on the medical area and therefore, Safety and compliance with regulations is paramount.
What skills are you putting at the service of the project?
Sidam is a company that has always developed and extended over time the skills to 360 degrees to develop and market medical devices. We have research, design, production and marketing skills including all aspects of certification and quality assurance and this allows us to bring our contribution in many of the areas of activity covered by the project.
What is the most challenging challenge you are facing in the project?
I believe that for us, as for all the other partners who work on impure the main challenge is that of time. Even the project itself has a very short duration compared to other European projects precisely because the goal is to achieve results in a much shorter time than those to which we are accustomed in other situations. A result that can be achieved but that requires vision, coordination and determination.
What other innovative projects are you currently engaged in?
Of course; as Sidam said before, he believes that research and innovation are the fundamental drivers of growth and development. To be competitive in the market you have to work already now on the products and with the technologies of tomorrow, especially in a sector like ours, in which however the weight of the activity necessary to obtain the certification of a product, and therefore the possibility to market it requires long time and large investments. This year, together with the Bambino Gesù Hospital, we presented a new stent for the treatment of esophageal stenosis in children, the result of years of development and research in partnership with a medical facility of excellence. We have many other projects on which we are working, we have very effective collaborations with research centers such as CNR, with universities such as that of Pavia, We collaborate with other large companies active in health care internationally in the development of common products.
What are the professional profiles you look at most closely?
First of all we are looking for people who, like us, believe that working in this sector is a great opportunity and also a great responsibility: health is a primary good for everyone and we want to be able to make an important contribution. The collaboration with schools and universities allows us to identify young talents who are very important to us in boosting the use of new technologies: 3D printing, advanced materials, intelligent systems and so on. We hire biomedical engineers and graduates who train in our district, young people enthusiastic and well oriented to the challenges that await us in the coming years.
You can find the original version interview HERE >>